Now you can travel to world’s most dangerous country: North Korea opens its borders for all international tourists.
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North Korea to partially reopen for international tourism after five years

North Korea will resume international tourism in its northeastern city of Samjiyon and possibly the rest of the country in December, according to announcements by Koryo Tours in Beijing and KTG Tours in Shenyang.

The move is a sign that the country is preparing to reopen borders for large groups of foreign tourists after years of strict Covid border control.

Korio Tours confirmed that their local partners have indicated that tourism activities will begin in December 2024, with more details to be released soon. KTG Tours expressed this feeling in a Facebook post, indicating that other locations within North Korea, including Pyongyang, may also be accessible.

Samjiyon is located along the China border and near Mount Paektu, an active volcano and a place of deep cultural significance for both Koreas. Here in 2018, then-South Korean President Moon Jae-In and his wife joined North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and his wife, highlighting its symbolic importance.

For North Koreans, the trip to Mount Paektu is very spiritual, adding to the historical narrative of the Kim family, although some Western historians claim that Kim Jong was actually born in Russia.

Samjiyon tourism revenues, formerly considered a Chinese tourist hub, have been crucial to North Korea despite ongoing international sanctions over its nuclear and missile programs. According to state media, Kim Jong-un recently inspected development projects in the area.

Although state media have not yet acknowledged the reopening for international tourists, Kim Jong-un has expressed preference for visitors from allied countries such as Russia and China. The outbreak has significantly isolated North Korea, allowing only limited groups to enter Russia this year.

Also read: Indian Medical Association declares shut down of medical services across the country in all hospitals.

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