Fried, baked, ultra-processed foods fuel India’s diabetes epidemic–1st-of-its-kind study by ICMR & MDRF
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Fried, baked, ultra-processed foods fuel India’s diabetes epidemic—1st-of-its-kind study by ICMR & MDRF

A recent clinical trial has identified certain foods, such as cakes, chips, cookies, fried items, mayonnaise, and ultra-processed products, which contribute to the rising rate of diabetes in India.

These foods are high in advanced glycation end products (AGEs), reactive compounds that are formed when they pass through proteins or lipids, a process initiated by carbohydrates containing aldehyde groups.

The government-funded study, led by researchers from the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation (MDRF) in Chennai, found that AGEs cause inflammation, a key factor in the onset of diabetes.

According to the latest figures, more than 101 million people in India are suffering from this disease, making it one of the most important health problems facing the country. Urban populations are more at risk due to lifestyles that encourage sedentary behaviors and increase access to unhealthy foods.

The researchers also pointed out that frying, roasting, and grilling increases AGE levels, while boiling is beneficial in preventing their accumulation.

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The study, published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, suggests that foods high in AGEs cause oxidative stress and inflammation, which play an important role in type 2 diabetes.

Research emphasizes the benefits of an underage diet to reduce oxidative stress and reduce the risk of diabetes associated with obesity, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.

Dr V Mohan, chairman of MDRF and co-author of the study, stressed on the importance of understanding AGE-rich foods in developing India’s diabetes prevention strategy.

What are AGEs?

AGEs are toxic products that accumulate in our bodies over the years. They can form in two main ways: either through the consumption of prepared food using overheating methods such as frying or roasting, or through natural processes within the body. Diabetes causes elevated levels of AGEs as high blood sugar levels increase their formation. These molecules can pose various health risks, especially those related to blood vessels and nerves, potentially leading to heart disease and neurological disorders.

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